
The system have got their SSL certification done for their proper authentication and end to end encryption


The system has the ability to cop up with the errors during the execution process

Real time statistics

Real time data readily available to all the users

Easy to Customize

The system can be customised as per the needs of the university

About Us

Welcome to The Graduate School, IARI

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) is India's premier institution in the field of agricultural research, higher education in agriculture (post-graduate programme) and extension education. Since 1958, it holds the status of a Deemed University under the University Grants Commission Act of 1956 and is authorised to award post-graduate degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences and its related basic disciplines.

The Graduate School, IARI Management System is developed under the IASRI institute funded project "Management System for Post Graduate Education" by Division of Computer Applications, IASRI. The system helps in achieving The Graduate School objectives by giving online access to various resources. The system is available to students, faculty members, scientists and administrative staff of The Graduate School, IARI. It has following sub modules:

Courses Management

Student Management

Faculty Management

Administration Management


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